Thursday, 25 August 2011


Windows Logo+BREAK (Display the System Properties dialog box)
Windows Logo+D (Display the desktop)
Windows Logo+M (Minimize all of the windows)
Windows Logo+SHIFT+M (Restore the minimized windows)
Windows Logo+E (Open My Computer)

CTRL+C (Copy)
CTRL+X (Cut)
CTRL+V (Paste)
CTRL+Z (Undo)
DELETE (Delete)
(Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin)
CTRL while dragging an item (Copy the selected item)
CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item (Create a shortcut to the selected item)
F2 key (Rename the selected item)
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word) CTRL+LEFT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word) CTRL+DOWN ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph)

CTRL+A (Select all)
F3 key (Search for a file or a folder)
ALT+ENTER (View the properties for the selected item)
ALT+F4 (Close the active item, or quit the active program)
ALT+ENTER (Display the properties of the selected object)
ALT+SPACEBAR (Open the shortcut menu for the active window)
CTRL+F4 (Close the active document in programs that enable you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)
ALT+TAB (Switch between the open items)
ALT+ESC (Cycle through items in the order that they had been opened)
F6 key (Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop)
F4 key (Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer)
SHIFT+F10 (Display the shortcut menu for the selected item)
ALT+SPACEBAR (Display the System menu for the active window)

Windows Logo+U (Open Utility Manager) Accessibility Keyboard Shortcuts
Right SHIFT for eight seconds (Switch FilterKeys either on or off)
Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN (Switch High Contrast either on or off)
Left ALT+left SHIFT+NUM LOCK (Switch the MouseKeys either on or off)
SHIFT five times (Switch the StickyKeys either on or off)
NUM LOCK for five seconds (Switch the ToggleKeys either on or off)
Windows Logo +U (Open Utility Manager) Windows Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts
END (Display the bottom of the active window)
HOME (Display the top of the active window)
NUM LOCK+Asterisk sign (*) (Display all of the subfolders that are under the selected folder)
NUM LOCK+Plus sign (+) (Display the contents of the selected folder)
NUM LOCK+Minus sign (-) (Collapse the selected folder)


Try out yourself...
Open Microsoft Word and type
and then HIT ENTER....see what happens.
it won't hurt ur system!!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011



1. Aries (March 21 - April 20)
  Ruled by Mars
   Polar or Opposite sign: Libra
Your love sign is Scorpio
Lucky Gem:Coral
Lucky Number:14
Lucky Color:Peacock Blue
                                     Lucky Day:Tuesday

 You as a man:
 You are a picture of passionate ardour one minute, and are as icy as a polar bear the
next. When it comes to love, your heedless attitude is absolutely amazing. You
plunge into an affair, positive that this is the only true love ever known by any two
people ever born. When it breaks in half, you will pick up the pieces, and try every
angle you can think of to salvage the dead romance.
You are a natural rebel. You demand the same fierce loyalty that you give, in both
love and friendship. You want your woman to be completely independent, yet stay a
few paces behind.
You as a woman:

You will open your own doors. You are rather a pushover for flattery, if it has an
honest base. Your loyalty in love is gigantic, as long as the sentiment remains. You
are generous to a fault with your time and sympathy. But when it comes to love, you
are downright stingy.
You think love is equal sharing. You admire strength and try to imitate it. You will
throw away fame or fortune defiantly in the face of anyone who hurts a friend of
You can be unreasonably temperamental, and create some violent scenes. But you
never hold a grudge, seek revenge, and indulge in self-pity or bitterness.

2. Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

  Ruled by Venus
   Polar or Opposite sign: Scorpio
Your love sign is Cancer
Lucky Gem:Diamond
Lucky Number:3
Lucky Color:Lotus Pink
                                     Lucky Day:Monday

You as a man:
 You can be a tender, gentle and protective lover. Your sentimental gestures and
pleasantly earthy wooing can be just as satisfying as the soulful, poetic sighs of more
colorful lovers.
You're extremely patient, but are not willing to waste an entire lifetime on a lost
cause. You are kind, gentle and truly tolerant. You'll do anything in the world for the
woman you love except allow her to wear the pants. Your financial affairs are usually
secure. Few of you will fail to accumulate at least security, if not wealth.
You as a woman:
 You have more moral and emotional courage than many a tough male, but you have
enough confidence in your own sex to let your man be the boss.
When you run across someone you dislike, you don't start a big campaign to destroy
him. You show frigid indifference to your enemies, but if you count someone as a
friend, you'll be loyal through all ups and downs. Your perspective normally remains
straight and true, with no twists and turns. You can be a tower of strength. You're
seldom demanding, except in the area of loyalty, and your disposition is generally
even, down-to-earth and pleasant.

3. Gemini (May 22 - June 21)
  Ruled by Mercury
   Polar or Opposite sign: Sagittarius
Your love sign is Leo
Lucky Gem:Emerald
Lucky Number:9
Lucky Color:Sky Blue
                                     Lucky Day:Thursday

You as a man:
 Being in love gives you a nice sense of warm security. There's that heavenly comfort
of always knowing someone is going to be there. All the doubts you knew before just
melt away.
You like people. The more the merrier. You can convince people that you are an
exciting, interesting and intelligent man. You will not remain tomorrow what you are
today, nor will you have any lasting memory of yesterday. In one way or another,
you will change. Loving you is easy and fun, but you like to keep a distance. There's
an inner core that belongs only to you, that you'll never share with another human
 You as a woman:
 Your Gemini mind is always traveling, and you match it with a ready wit. Your active
imagination can create many fantasies, but it is difficult for you to commit to one
person at a time.
You love the thrill of a gamble, all in the interests of future security. Your astute
business sense will stand you in good stead. You are a stimulating companion, and
will satisfy your man's emotional and intellectual cravings. You are also ready with
the sympathy, when life has been particularly rough.
You have a hard head, but your dreamy eyes carry a promise of the future.

4. Cancer (June 22 - July 23)
  Ruled by Moon
   Polar or Opposite sign: Capricorn
Your love sign is Virgo
Lucky Gem:Pearl
Lucky Number:6
Lucky Color:White
                                     Lucky Day:Wednesday

You as a man:
 You have the characteristic Cancer need for security. You pursue it with dedication
and a quiet, religious fervour most of the time. Finances have fascinated you since
childhood, and saving is substantially more attractive to you than spending.
You are either very close to your family (specifically your mother), or completely
alienated from them. The relationship is never casual. You are naturally shy of
rushing into a relationship, but once you're sure, you won't be easily rebuffed. You
like your loved ones to lean on you forever, and when they show signs of
independence, you may become a cranky crab.
You as a woman:
 Your Cancer sensitivity is hurt at the slightest pretext. You hate to be criticized, you
are deeply wounded by ridicule, and you just can't stand being rejected. You like to
keep secrets. You are afraid you are not pretty enough, smart enough, young enough
or old enough.
After you've been won over, you may be just a little tenacious, but you'll never let go
of the relationship as long as you live. There is never anything shallow or superficial
about your sentiments. Patience is one of your loveliest virtues. You will never let
people down when things get really dismal.

5. Leo (July 24 - Aug 23)

 Ruled by Sun
   Polar or Opposite sign: Aquarius
Lucky Gem:Ruby
Lucky Number:3
Lucky Color:Saffron
                                     Lucky Day:Friday

You as a man:
You will be a chivalrous and Leo gallant suitor, protective and affectionate. You are
even endowed with a kind of instant passion. You are the life of most parties, and
wear the jester's mask to get attention. Regardless of appearances, there's nothing
easygoing about your inner nature.
You need a steady supply of affection to be faithful to a relationship. You appreciate
beauty. You have an enormous need to command and be loved by those you rule.
You secretly fear being ridiculed. Yet, when your nobility has been aroused by a great
cause, you know no fear.
You as a woman:
 You are not a wallflower. You are a sunflower. Most likely, you'll be the social leader
of your group, lording over lesser people like a queen, but with such disarming
warmth and such a beautiful smile, no one really minds. You can act up a storm, and
pretend to be sweet and harmless. You can't exist without appreciation. You are
usually generous, intelligent, witty, strong, and capable, yet deliciously feminine at
the same time. Flattery is your secret weakness.
Confinement inside four walls and under one roof can soon rob you of your sparkle.
You must have your own career.

6. Virgo (Aug 24 - Sept 23)
  Ruled by Mercury
   Polar or Opposite sign:Pisces 
Your love sign is Capricorn
Lucky Gem:Emerald
Lucky Number:6
Lucky Color:Brown
                                     Lucky Day:Friday

You as a man:
 You live life almost entirely on a practical, material level, and you have little use for
the abstractions of storybook romance. Your idea of love is synonymous with duty.
Sugary romance is not quite your style.
Self-discipline is part of your nature. Once you make up your mind, you move on,
regardless of what will result. You place great emphasis on intellect and train your
children rigidly in matters of ethics, courtesy and good citizenship.
You are uncomfortable with physical expressions of love. You need to become more
generous with those hugs and kisses. There's also a tendency to be too critical, to
expect too much too soon and to be too strict.
 You as a woman:
 You are bashful, but you have all the necessary wiles and weapons, including a
determination to pursue happiness. You seek romance, and commitment is an
integral part of it. If you are in love, you go to any lengths to make sure it works. On
the flip side, if you are in an unhappy relationship, you will snap the cords with ease.
You can be deadly practical and divinely romantic at the same time. You are a
perfectionist, but not perfect yourself. You have your negative traits. You can be
sickeningly prompt, and think that you are the best critic in the world.

7. Libra (Sept 24 - Oct 23)
  Ruled by Venus
   Polar or Opposite sign:Aries
Your love sign is Taurus
Lucky Gem:Diamond
Lucky Number:21
Lucky Color:Royal Blue
                                     Lucky Day:Tuesday

 You as a man:
 You have a bit of a roving eye, especially during youth. You fail to draw the line
between friendship and love. You love being around a small group of people. You
sparkle and make intelligent conversation, but when the group is over a dozen, you
run for cover.
You need harmony to remain stable, and this holds good for your relationships.
What you lack in commitment, you make up for in charm. For you, romance is an
exhilarating experience. While all this sounds very rosy, you do a double take when it
comes to a permanent relationship. You like to be in love, but do not take the
initiative to take the relationship forward.
 You as a woman:
You are blessed with a clear Libra wit. You also revel in debate and argument. You
make allowances for all opinions, and wait until all cards are on the table.
Partnerships, in both business and romance, constitute your deepest need. You are
happiest when living with another person, but treading on toes is not quite your
Being a woman is sort of a lifetime occupation to you, and you are bound to arrive at
perfection somewhere along the line. One of your womanly talents is that of talking,
and you use it to perfection. You are normally gentle as a mother, yet quite firm
when the need arises. Your children are never neglected or ignored.

8. Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)
  Ruled by Pluto
   Polar or Opposite sign:Taurus
Your love sign is Taurus
Lucky Gem:Coral
Lucky Number:8
Lucky Color:Blue
                                     Lucky Day:Sunday

 You as a man:
 You need emotional excess to survive. You thrive on a need to be loved and
approved. In a word, you are invincible. Normally, you will surround yourself with
luxury. You love mysteries, and solving the puzzle of love is an irresistible challenge.
Marriage gives you a certain security, but you will want to get out of it before it
actually happens.
In a relationship with perfect understanding, you will be tender, sympathetic and
considerate. You will repay your woman's loyalty with the kind of love most women
only read about and wish for.
You as a woman:
 You are magnetic, proud and totally confident. You are a strong woman, and hate to
flutter your eyelashes and look pretty. You can be overbearing and domineering,
sarcastic and frigid. You look for ambition in a man, and you cannot excuse his
weakness. You are fiercely possessive of your man. If he does not commit, you chase
him, till you can get a positive answer.
You hate being possessed. You are also very stubborn. You refuse to see any
viewpoint but your own when emotions are involved. Your passion for living can be
all-consuming, yet in a real storm, your cool, calm reason and steely strength will be
a life raft.

9. Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)

  Ruled by Jupiter
   Polar or Opposite sign:Gemini
Your love sign is Pisces
Lucky Gem:Yellow Sapphire
Lucky Number:1
Lucky Color:Royal Blue
                                     Lucky Day:Wednesday

 You as a man:
 You are a dreamer, and make a feeble attempt to get down to reality. Your soaring
imagination can cause you to fall down or go bust. But wonderfully, Lady Luck has a
way of rescuing you just in time.
You are never in a relationship for keeps. Women often misinterpret your attitude,
and think the relationship is more serious than it really is. You are a flirt, that can't be
denied, but you are not looking for sex alone. You like variety and mental stimulation.
You have no sense of attachment, and have no qualms in breaking free. You enjoy
being with older children. Youthful escapades will amuse you rather than anger you,
but your very tolerance might keep your children in line.
 You as a woman:
 You see the world as it is, even through rose-tinted glasses. You tend to dream some
big dreams, and sometimes, reality never hits you.
You are very independent, and have a strange aloofness to family ties. You love the
feeling of protection, but do not enjoy being bossed around. You are breezy and
unconventional in your relationships with men. But you are a trusting child at heart.
Your moods can be terrible, but they are rare, and they last so briefly they will hardly
be noticed. When you are really hurt, your tongue can be bitterly sarcastic

10. Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 20)

  Ruled by Saturn
   Polar or Opposite sign:Cancer
Your love sign is Aries
Lucky Gem:Blue Sapphire
Lucky Number:18
Lucky Color:Peacock Blue
                                     Lucky Day:Friday

 You as a man:
 You have a self-made brick wall around you. You are a bundle of contradictions. You
are laidback, but can be fiercely ambitious when required to be. You experience a
reverse ageing process. You are as serious as an owl in your youth, but you relax
gradually as you mature. You are reverent about family ties. You take time to fall in
love, as you look for a secure relationship. Financial security comes first to you.
You suffer because you detest mushy, romantic declarations of love. But once you
are guided and tutored in the fine act of love, you become the companion everyone
 You as a woman:
 You have a practical, sensible manner, and a steely will to snag the right man. You
value security, authority, respect and position. You seem to be even-tempered and
steady, but that is just a facade. You can flare up, when you get really hot under the
You need to be assured of complete commitment, before you plunge into a
relationship. You are unusually attractive. Yet, you are unsure about your
appearance. You need constant reassurance that you are pretty.
You make an excellent wife. You have a tight hand, and run a smooth home. You
also have reality firmly in your grasp.

11. Aquarius (Jan 21 - Feb 19)

  Ruled by Uranus
   Polar or Opposite sign:Leo
Your love sign is Gemini
Lucky Gem:Hessonite
Lucky Number:2
Lucky Color:Red
                                     Lucky Day:Thursday

You as a man:
 It is difficult to pin you down to a commitment. You are friends with the whole world,
and falling in love is difficult for you. You are also secretive. You do not want to
reveal your true feelings, though you delve deep into others' minds. You are a typical
group person. Teamwork comes to you naturally. You do not favour one particular
person. Your love of people is impersonal, and you bestow equal attention on all
You follow the watchword "change" with sanctity. You are game to trying something
new, even if it creates controversy. You do not compromise on your principles, if the
situation demands it.
 You as a woman:
 You are a bundle of contradictions, and the same attitude prevails in love. You are
faithful in love, but you can also be detached and aloof, if need be. Your demand for
freedom is insistent, but your allegiance to anyone who can accept romance within
limits is boundless.
You have charming manners, and usually behave in a timid, almost reserved way.
You loathe being logical. Your mind travels back and forth between today and
tomorrow, with no logical pattern. You follow the same policy with commitment.
The line between friendship and love is often invisible to you. You are susceptible to
sudden flashes of inspiration, and your intuition is remarkable.

12. Pisces (Feb 20 - March 20)

  Ruled by Neptune
   Polar or Opposite sign:Virgo
Your love sign is Sagittarius
Lucky Gem:Cat's Eye
Lucky Number:10
Lucky Color:Scarlet
                                     Lucky Day:Monday

You as a man:
 You can be everything your woman wants you to be-or everything she does not want
you to be. You are not weak. It's just that you may linger too long on a fading dream
and miss the bright sunlight of success.
It is difficult for you to let go of your dream, so you try to work out a nice
compromise. Your fancy dream fits nicely into your daily routine. You will never be
short of romance. Everything said and done, you expect technical loyalty. You are
extremely sympathetic to friends, but there are times when your loneliness may kill
you. These spells of depression cause the gloom to gather.
You as a woman:
 You have implicit faith that any man is invincible. You come out of the illusion soon
enough, and what you actually see surprises you.
You adapt beautifully and quietly to conflicting situations. The hardest lesson you
have to learn is letting go of your timidity. You will give all of her heart to your
children, you will love them all. You will sacrifice anything so your children can have
what you were denied as a child. You may be too permissive. Administering discipline
is difficult for you. You may be a wee bit extravagant, but you know how to keep a
tight leash on your finances.

Monday, 22 August 2011


Due to the wide use of computers and internet, the dangers that come with their usage is also increasing. Today emails are very useful in many ways. But the same emails bring us many problems and make us lose money. My friend once received an email from his bank. He was curious why his bank would send an email to him and opened that email.
In that email it was mentioned that he was selected and won a car worth $20,000. Therefore in order to register the car in his name and deliver to him they wanted some of his personal details. A link was provided in the email to update his particulars. There was also a warning message which said the particulars have to be updated ONLY using the link provided in that email.
My friend was very happy. Who will not be if he had won a car. He clicked on the link. His bank’s home page appeared on the screen. He checked whether it was the same page as his bank. Yes it was. It was the same page as his bank’s page. He was even happier now. His Name, Birth date, Father’s Name, Home Address, Account number, Password, Credit card number and many other details were asked in that page. He happily filled all the details. He was then shown a ‘Thank You’ page which said that the car’s key and the registration papers will be sent to him in a week.
After two or three days he went to the bank to withdraw some money. But the bank clerk said that ‘There was no balance’ in his account. He argued that he did not withdraw any money and asked him to check again. The bank clerk said, you did not withdraw money but you bought a lot of things ‘Online’ from internet. Then he started thinking how was it possible. It took a few hours to figure out that the email that he had received earlier was a hoax and he had been cheated.
This is called ‘Phishing’ in internet. The email will look like it is from a particular company or organization. A link will be provided in the email and it will ask you for your particulars and to update your password and other personal details. If you click the link the page will look very similar to the company’s original website but in reality it is not. Thus they will make you believe it is from a particular company and cheat you. This is called Phishing.
Tips to be safe from Phishing?
  1. If any email asks for your bank’s login name, password, bank account no, credit card no etc, do not believe it. No bank will ask for these details through email. You can call your bank and check with them.
  2. If you receive SPAM emails from unknown persons or unknown companies just ignore them and delete them.
  3. When you visit websites in internet, do not fill in forms and subscribe to insecure websites. You can see whether a site is secure from the LOCK icon displayed in the status bar of the browser or in the address bar the address starts with ‘https’
  4. Never click on links contained inside emails.
  5. If you are a ‘online banking’ user then frequently check your bank balance and transactions. If there is any doubt just call your bank to verify.
  6. Another thing to remember is ‘nothing comes free’ in this world. So if any email claims that you have won a lottery, or someone wants to transfer amount to your account etc, just ignore such SPAM emails.

Shortcut function keys in Word

CTRL+B : To make the words bold.
CTRL+I : To italicize the words
CTRL+U: To underline the words
CTRL+DEL: To delete the word on the right of the cursor
CTRL+BACKSPACE:  To delete the word on the left of the cursor 
CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR: To create equal spacing. 
CTRL+C:  To copy the selected text  
CTRL+X:  To cut the selected text 
CTRL+V:  To paste the copied or cut text. 
CTRL+ALT+V:  To paste special  
CTRL+SHIFT+< : To reduce the font size 
CTRL+SHIFT+>: To increase the font size 
CTRL+[ : To reduce the font size
CTRL+]:  To increase the font size 
CTRL+HYPHEN:  To create continuous hiphen 
CTRL+SPACEBAR: To remove paragraph or character formatting 
CTRL+SHIFT+V: To paste the previously used format 
CTRL+Z : To undo the last action 
CTRL+Y:  To redo the last action that was undone. 
CTRL+SHIFT+G: To bring the word count dialog box. 
CTRL+L:  To align text to the left 
CTRL+E:  To centralize the text 
CTRL+R: To alogin the text to the right of the screen. 
CTRL+M:  To make the paragraph or the selected text in the margin.
CTRL+1:  To make the spacing between lines as 1 
CTRL+5:  To make the spacing between lines as 1.5 
CTRL+2:  To make the spacing between lines as double 
F7: :  To check spelling and grammer 
SHIFT+F7 : : To show thesaurus options 
CTRL+SPACE : To enable/disable auto correct 
CTRL+SHIFT+8:  To show/hide hidden characters.

Shortcut function keys in excel

Here is a list of shortcut keys in Microsoft Excel.
  1. F1: Opens a help task pane
  2. F1 + Ctrl: Opens or closes the help window
  3. F2: To edit the text in the active cell
  4. F2 + Shift: To write a comment in the active cell
  5. F2 + Alt: Opens the save as dialog box
  6. F3 + Shift: opens the insert dialog box
  7. F3 + Ctrl: Opens the define name dialog box
  8. F3 + Shift + Ctrl:  Opens the create name dialog box
  9. F4:  To redo the last command
  10. F4 + Ctrl: To close the workbook window
  11. F4 + Alt: To close the excel program
  12. F5: Opens the Goto dialog box
  13. F5 + Ctrl: brings back to the first level of workbook
  14. F6: To shift between help taskbar and the excel window
  15. F6 + Shift: To goto the previous square in the open worksheet
  16. F6 + Ctrl: If more than one workbook is open to switch between them
  17. F7: To open spelling correction window
  18. F7 + Ctrl: When workbook window is not maximised it will move the window
  19. F8: To activate / deactivate extended mode
  20. F9: Will calculate all the worksheets in all open workbooks
  21. F9 + Shift: Will calculate the active worksheet
  22. F9 + Ctrl: To Minimise the workbook window
  23. F10: Will select the menu bar
  24. F10 + Ctrl: To open minimised window
  25. F11: Will create a chart using the current range
  26. F11 + Shift: To select a new worksheet
  27. F11 + Alt: To switch between visual basic editor and the worksheet
  28. F11 + Alt + Shift: Opens microsoft script editor
  29. F12: Opens save as dialog box
  30. F12 + Shift: Saves the active workbook
  31. F12 + Ctrl: To open the Open dialog box
  32. F12 + Ctrl + Shift: Opens the print dialog box